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The Murders in the Rue Morgue

Adolphe Le Bon is the man who took the gold to the house. Madame L. Was with him. At the front door, Mademoiselle took one of the bags, and Madame took the other one. Monsieur Le Bon left. He did not see anyone in the street at that time. The street is often empty.
“William Birds an Englishman. He went into the house and he was one of the first people up the stairs. He heard the voices and the sound of people fighting. The rough voice was a Frenchman’s. He heard clearly the words ‘Mon Dieu’. The high voice was very loud – much louder than the rough one. He is sure that it was not the voice of an Englishman. It seemed to be the voice of a German woman, but he does not understand German.

To be continued ...
