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Three Men in A Boat

When the professor finished the song we all roared with laughter. We all said, considering the song, how strange it was that many people think that the Germans haven't any sense of humour. We asked the Professor why he didn't translate the song into English, so that everybody could understand it.
Then Herr Slossenn Boschen got up, and began to call us all the terrible names that exist in German (which must be a very effective language for this) and he jumped around and shook his fists. He said that he had never been so insulted in all his life.
It seemed that the song was not a comic song at all. I was about a young girl who lived in the Hartz Mountains, and who had given her life to save the soul of her lover; and he died, and met her spirit in the air.
I am not sure about all the details, but it was a very sad song.

To be continued...
