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The Fall Of The House Of Usher

Then I heard grating sounds. A heavy metal door was opening. I knew now that Usher was listening to the sounds too. The look on his face was different. He turned his chair and faced the door of the room. His eyes were open wide and his body was shaking. He began to talk to himself in a low voice.
I jumped to my feet and ran to Usher. He was looking straight in front of him, and did not notice me. When I put my hand on his shoulder, he shook again. Then he spoke words that I will never forget.
‘Now do you hear it? I hear it, and have heard it. I have heard it for many minutes, many hours, and many days, but I could not speak. Now I am telling you. She was alive when we put her in the tomb! Will she be here soon? Is she coming to punish me? Can I hear her feet on the stairs? Can I hear the sound of her heart?’ He jumped to his feet. ‘Madman! I am telling you that she is just outside the door!’

To be continued ...
