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Soapy's Choice

The moon was high in the sky and everything was quiet. For a few seconds it was like a country church and Soapy remembered other, happier days. He thought of the days when he had a mother, and friends, and beautiful things in life.
Then he thought about his life now - the empty days, the dead plans. And then a wonderful thing happened. Soapy decided to change his life and be a new man. 'Tomorrow', he said to himself, 'I'll go into town and find work. My life will be good again. I'll be somebody important. Everything will be different. I'll...'
Soapy felt a hand on his arm. He jumped and looked round quickly - into the face of a policeman!
'What are you doing here?' asked the policeman.
'Nothing,' Soapy answered.
'Then come with me,' the policeman said.
'Three months in prison,' they told Soapy the next day.

The end!
