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The Stolen Letter

“Ah,” said Dupin to me. “So the thief really does know that the letter’s owner knows about him.”
“Yes,” said the Chief. “And the thief is using the letter for his own dangerous purposes. The important person believes that she must get the letter back. But of course she must get it back secretly. She is very nervous about it, so she came to me.”
“And who can think,” said Dupin, “of a better person for the job?
“You are too kind,” said the Chief.
“It is clear,” I said, “that the Minister still has the letter. While he has it, he is in a strong position. When he uses it, he will lose that position.”
“True”, said G-------. “And so I and the police have searched the Minister’s rooms. He is often away at night. I have keys that will open every door in Paris. We searched his rooms every night for three months. Three months. If I find the letter, the owner will give me a lot of money. Do not tell anyone that, though. But we have found nothing. The thief is smarter than I am.

To be continued...
