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The Stolen Letter

“Very true,” said Dupin. He then offered our visitors a pipe and a comfortable chair.
“What is the problem?” I asked the Chief. “Not another murder, I hope!”
“Oh, no, nothing like that. This is really very simple. I think that the police can solve the mystery without help. But Dupin will want to hear about it because it is very strange.”
“Simple … and strange,” said Lupin.
The Chief laughed. “Oh Dupin, you are strange!”
“What exactly is the problem?” I asked.
“I will tell you” said the Chief, as he smoked his pipe slowly.
“But you must not tell anyone about it. If you do, I will probably lose my job.”
“Continue,“ I said.
“or don’t,“ said Dupin.
“Someone”, the Chief began, “has stolen a very important letter from the royal apartments. The thief is known to us. When he took it, he was seen. We know, too, that he still has the letter.”

To be continued...
