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Ms Bracegirdle's night of fear

The living fear came back. Her washing things were in there. They were lying there in the dead man’s room! And her name was on them. To go back again now was far worse than the first time but she had no choice. She could not leave her things lying there. ‘If they find them, they are going to ask me how they got there.’ She thought. She had to go back.
She went. She did not look at the bed. She quickly took her washing things and ran back again to her bedroom. Now that the danger was over, she suddenly felt very, very tired. She got in to bed and put out the light. She lay in the dark, trying to forget her fears. Finally, she went to sleep.
It was eleven o’clock when she woke up. The sun was high in the sky and the fears of the night were far away. In the light of the day, it was all very difficult to believe. Miss Bracegirdle tried to think about her things.

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