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The adventures of Tom Sawyer

At breakfast Tom told his story. ‘I went home last night,’ he said, ‘and listened at the window, Joe, your mother was there too, and she and Aunt Polly cried and cried. I heard some very interesting things. On Sunday there’s going to be a big funeral at the church – for us! And listen – I’ve got a wonderful idea.’
Huck and Joe listened and laughed, and yes, it was a wonderful idea.
That night the boys cooked some more fish, and after dinner Huck got out his pipe and began to smoke.
‘Can you smoke too?’ asked Tom. ‘I want to learn.’
So Huck made pipes for Tom and Joe, and the three boys sat and smoked.
‘Hey, I like smoking!’ said Tom. ‘It’s easy!’
‘It’s nothing!’ said Joe. ‘I’m going to smoke every day.’
But after ten minutes Tom and Joe got quieter and quieter and their faces went and interesting colour. ‘I’m going for a little walk now,’ said Tom. He stood up, carefully, and walked away into the trees.
‘Me too,’ said Joe, quickly.
The two boys came back an hour later. But they didn’t smoke their pipes again.
