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Escape from Alcatraz

They quickly ran to the hut and began to assemble the air balloon. It was very difficult and took a long time. “Listen,” said Jerry. “The siren,” whispered Jeff. “They know we’ve escaped.” They pulled the basket outside the hut and attached the balloon. They put the gas canisters in the basket, opened the gas and lighted a match. They tried to work quickly, but their hands were cold. Now they could hear the police dogs barking! When the air in the balloon was hot, they jumped in the basket and cut the rope. The balloon quickly disappeared in the fog! The police searched for the prisoners, but they never found them. “How did they escape?” asked the journalists. “They didn’t escape,” said the sheriff. “They drowned in the sea! Nobody can escape from Alcatraz!” But Jerry and Jeff weren’t dead! They were in a five star hotel in Acapulco, spending the money from the West Union Bank!

The end
