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Escape from Alcatraz

Jerry laughed, “I think it will be more difficult than that, but I have a plan. We can make an air balloon! We need a lot of material, a big basket, and some large gas canisters! You are a tailor,” Jerry continued, “when you make the prison uniforms, you can steal the material. I will find the basket and the gas canisters, and find a way out of the prison.” It took a long time for Jeff to collect the material. Each day he put a small quantity of the grey uniform material up his jacket. Jeff also stole two needles and some thread. They hid the material in their mattresses. At night, when all the prisoners were asleep and there weren’t many guards, they sewed the material together. Jerry was a builder and during the day he often worked outside the prison walls. He completed the rest of the plan. “The balloon is finished,” Jeff told Jerry, “but where can we get the gas canister and the basket?” “The guards keep the canisters and the baskets in a hut out side the prison.

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