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Simply suspense - The Lady or the Tiger?

Many, many years ago there was a king in a far country. He was famous, he was strong and he was very clever. But in his country he had many wrongdoers. The King was very unhappy about this but how can you stop people from doing wrong? It is not easy. He though about this difficult question for a long time but he could not find the answer.
Suddenly, one day, he had a good idea. He spoke to his people and told them to build a big stadium in the center of the city.
‘It must be very big and very beautiful,’ he told them.
So the people worked hard for many months.
One day, the building was finished. The stadium was ready. Inside it, there were places for five thousand people. Everyone was so excited about this beautiful new building. Some wanted to watch games to the stadium. Others wanted to have dancing and singing. But what did the King want? No one knew.

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