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The Stolen Letter

The Chief took a small notebook from his pocket and read a description of the letter to us. Soon after that, he left. He was not happy.
About a month later, the Chief visited us again. As before, Dupin and I were smoking pipes and sitting quietly. The Chief took a pipe and a chair, and began an ordinary conversation.
Finally, I said, “But G------, what happened with the stolen letter? Have you decided that you cannot catch the Minister?”
“We searched his rooms again, but found nothing. I knew that it was not there.”
“How much money will you get if you find the letter?” asked Dupin.
“A lot. I don’t want to say how much exactly. But if someone helps me to find the letter, I will give him a check for half of that amount.”
Dupin opened a desk drawer, and took out a pen.
“Write me a check, please,” he said. “When you sign it, I will give you the letter.”
I could not believe it, and for some minutes the Chief did not move or speak. His mouth was open, and his eyes were wide.

To be continued ...
