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The Barrel of Amontillado

The voice said:
“Ha! ha! ha! – he! he! he! This is a very good joke, an excellent joke. “Ha! ha! ha! – he! he! he! We will laugh about it often at your house when we are drinking wine together.”
“The Amontillado,” I said.
He! he! he! – Yes, the Amontillado. But it is getting late. My wife, the Lady Fortunato, and other friends are waiting for me. Let’s go now.”
“Yes,” I said. “Let’s go.”
“Please, Montresor! Please, don’t!”
“Why not?” I said.
I wanted him to answer me, I listened. I became impatient, and called loudly: “Fortunato!”
Still he did not answer. I called again: “Fortunato!”
Still he did not answer me. My heart became sick. It was too cold and wet underground. I quickly finished my job, and put the last stone in place.
For fifty years nobody has visited the tombs.

The end.
