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Robinson Crusoe - Home in England

When I came back to England, I felt like a stranger in the country. Many things were different and not many people remembered me. I went home to York but my father and mother were dead, and also my two brothers. I did find the two sons of one of my brothers. They were happy to learn that I was alive and I was pleased to find some family.
After some months I decided to go down to Lisbon in Portugal. I had friends there who could help me to sell my land in Brazil and I needed the money. Friday came with me. He was always a good and true friend to me.
In Lisbon I found the Portuguese captain who took me in his ship to Brazil, all those years ago. It was good to see him again and he helped me with my business. Soon I was ready to go home again – by land. No more adventures and dangers by sea for me!

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