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Robinson Crusoe - My ambition

Friday was a quick learner and his English got better day by day. He helped me with the goats and with the work in the cornfields, and soon we were good friends. I enjoyed teaching him and, most of all, having a friend to talk to. This was the happiest of all my years on the island.
Friday and I lived together happily for three years. I told him the stories of my adventures and about life in England, and he told me about his country and his people. One day we were at the top of the highest hill on the island and we were looking out to sea. It was a very clear day and we could see a long way. Suddenly, Friday began to jump up and down, very excited.
‘What’s the matter?’ I said
‘Look Master, look!’ Friday cried. ‘I can see my country. Look over there!’
I looked, and there to north-west, between the sea and the sky, was a long thin piece of land. I learnt later that it was the island of Trinidad and that my island was in the mouth of the River Orinoco on the north coast of South America

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